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Management options when considering referral for sedation/GA - accessible version

Assessing management options for the child with carious primary teeth

A text version of the process for assessing management options for the child with carious primary teeth outlined below.

To use this version, follow the instructions at each decision point to determine a suitable management strategy.


1. Is the child likely to accept treatment?

Note that some pre-school children may not be able to accept treatment.

If yes: go to 2. Are the teeth close to exfoliation?

If no: go to 4. Could teeth be managed with a prevention alone approach?

2. Are the teeth close to exfoliation?

If yes: continue Enhanced Prevention, monitor lesions and review the need for extractions

If no: go to 3. Parent/carer motivation

3. Parent/carer motivation

Is the parent/carer willing to attend an adequate number of appointments for a preventive and restorative programme and likely to return for follow-up appointments?

If yes: provide Enhanced Prevention and caries management. If unable to carry out treatment, consider referral for sedation or general anaesthesia and continue Enhanced Prevention.

If no: prioritise treatment of teeth most likely to cause pain or infection. If necessary, refer for sedation or general anaesthesia and continue Enhanced Prevention and caries management

4. Could teeth be managed with a preventive alone approach?

Could teeth be managed with a preventive alone approach until the child is able to accept treatment? Factors to consider include: likelihood of pain; extent of caries; parent/carer’s support; likelihood of cooperation developing.

If yes: provide Enhanced Prevention and monitor. Build on cooperation and reassess the child’s ability to accept treatment.

If no: consider referral for inhalation sedation or general anaesthesia and continue Enhanced Prevention