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Options for management of carious primary teeth

Management options for carious primary teeth when there are no clinical or radiographic signs of pulpal involvement 

In a child with no medical complications, for each type of lesion when there are no clinical or radiographic signs of pulpal involvement, the preferred treatment option(s) are indicated √. Alternative options that may be appropriate in certain circumstances are indicated (√) with explanation in the footnotes. See Dental techniques for further details on each caries treatment technique. For a description of each lesion type, see Lesion classification.

An accessible version is available and the table is also included in the downloadable Guidance in Brief.

a Caries is considered to have arrested when there is demonstrable evidence of non-progression of lesions over several months using a recording system, such as photographs or ICDAS codes.
b For these lesions, other options are considered preferable.  
c Due to a lack of supporting evidence, this approach is only appropriate for these types of lesions if no alternative is feasible. Document use of this approach and rationale in the patient’s record.
d Technique with a developing supporting evidence base.

Accessible version

To use this version, click on the chosen tooth or lesion to show the preferred and alternative treatment options. 

Preferred treatment options:

Site-specific prevention


Non-restorative cavity-control

Alternative treatment option:

Silver diamine fluoride (as part of non-restorative cavity control)d

d Technique with a developing supporting evidence base.

Preferred treatment options:

Site-specific prevention


Non-restorative cavity-control

* Caries is considered to have arrested when there is demonstrable evidence of non-progression of lesions over several months using a recording system, such as photographs or ICDAS codes.

Preferred treatment options:

Site-specific prevention


No caries removal and seal with sealant (or infiltration)

Alternative treatment options:

No caries removal and seal using the Hall Techniqueb

b For these lesions, other options are considered preferable. 

Preferred treatment option:

Selective caries removal and restoration

Alternative treatment options:

No caries removal and seal using the Hall Techniqueb


Non-restorative cavity controlc


Silver diamine fluoride (as part of non-restorative cavity control)d

b For these lesions, other options are considered preferable.

c Due to a lack of supporting evidence, this approach is only appropriate for these types of lesions if no alternative is feasible. Document use of this approach and rationale in the patient’s record.

d Technique with a developing supporting evidence base.

Preferred treatment option:

Site-specific prevention

Alternative treatment options:

No caries removal and seal with sealant (or infiltration)d

Technique with a developing supporting evidence base. 

Preferred treatment option:

No caries removal and seal using the Hall Technique

Alternative treatment options:

Selective caries removal and restorationc


Non-restorative cavity controlc


Silver diamine fluoride (as part of non-restorative cavity control)d

c Due to a lack of supporting evidence, this approach is only appropriate for these types of lesions if no alternative is feasible. Document use of this approach and rationale in the patient’s record.

Technique with a developing supporting evidence base. 

Preferred treatment option:

Site-specific prevention

Technique with a developing supporting evidence base.

Preferred treatment option:

Selective caries removal and restoration

Alternative treatment options:

Non-restorative cavity controlc


Silver diamine fluoride (as part of non-restorative cavity control)d


Complete caries removal and restorationb

For these lesions, other options are considered preferable.

c Due to a lack of supporting evidence, this approach is only appropriate for these types of lesions if no alternative is feasible. Document use of this approach and rationale in the patient’s record.

Technique with a developing supporting evidence base. 

Preferred treatment options:

Non-restorative cavity control



Alternative treatment options:

Silver diamine fluoride (as part of non-restorative cavity control)d

Technique with a developing supporting evidence base.